Teachers Day Wishes

A Good Teacher is a Master Of Simplificationand an Enemy Of Simplism.
Happy Teachers Day.

Dear Teacher, Thank You
For Continually Inspires me to do my best
You help me Strive for Goals,
I found guidance, friendship, discipline
and love, everything, in one person.
And that person is you
Happy Teacher’s Day

Dear teacher, your inspiring words have
made a difference in my life.
Thanks for making me what I am today.
Sending my warm wishes and hoping that you
have a lovely Teachers Day.

You have always been my inspiration who
guided me all throughout.
Thanks for being a my true mentor.
Wishing that this Teachers’ Day be really special for you!
Have a wonderful Teachers Day.

Teacher is a person
who always helps everybody
to get the knowledge and
always stands beside the students
when they have problems.
Thanks for being my teacher.
Happy Teachers Day

The Award for the most wonderful teacher
has been declared and it goes to You.
Wishing you a very Happy Teachers day!

Teacher is a person who always helps everybody to get the knowledge
and always stands beside the students when they have problems.
Thanks for being my teacher.
Happy Teachers Day

Teacher is someone patiently who stands by us
who insliting the essence of life.
You are wonderful teachers
who proved that learning can be joyous
and pleasant experience
wishing you a HAPPY TEACHER’S DAY

One looks back with appreciation
to the brilliant teachers,
but with gratitude to those who touched
our human feelings. The curriculum is
so much necessary raw material,
but warmth is the vital element for the
growing plant and for the soul of the

I found
everything, in one person and that person
is you.
Happy Teachers Day

Category: Teacher's Day SMS

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