SMS For Marriage

A little kid asks his Dad,
“Daddy, how much does
it cost to get married?”
“No idea,” replied the Father,
“I’m still paying for it…”

Grooms, once you marry,
please remember that when
you have a discussion
with your future wife,
always try to get the
last two words in: “Yes dear”

Some people ask the secret
of our long marriage.
We take time to go to a restaurant
two times a week.
A little candlelight, dinner, soft music
and dancing.
She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays.

Marriage is like going to
a restaurant your choice
from the menu,
then look at neighborhood
table n wish you”d ordered that…

Why do we all marry?
Because romance is not
the only element of life.
We should also know horror,
terror, suspense, irony,
stupidity & tragedy of LIFE.

First marriage is the triumph of
imagination over intelligence.
Second marriage is the
triumph of hope over experience

The Equation of Marriage:
7 Glance = 1 Smile
7 Smile = 1 Meeting
7 Meeting = 1 Kiss
7 Kisses = 1 Proposal
7 Proposal = 1 Marriage –
And that 1 marriage has 77777+ problems.
So beware of glance!

Golden Rule:-
‘To be happy with a man,
love him little and understand him a lot.
To be happy with a woman,
love her a LOT and DO NOT TRY to understand her :)”

Marriage is like a public toilet
Those waiting outside are desperate to get in
Those inside are desperate to come out..

Marriage is that relation between
man and women in which
the Independence is Equal,
the Dependence mutual and
the Obligation Reciprocal”.
Best wishes for Happy Wedding .

A Couple Before Marriage
“MAD” For Each Other …
After Marriage
“MADE” For Each Other …
A Few Years Later
“MAD” Because Of Each Other…

Is Nature’s Way
Of Preventing
From Fighting With

Don’t Marry The Person ,
You Want To Live With…
Marry The One ,
You Cannot Live Without…
Whatever You Do,
You Will Regret It Later… ;->

Category: Marriage SMS

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