10 Sms Of Good Afternoon

Good Afternoon to someone who loved me the most.

Without you my celebration of Good Morning, Good Night and Good Afternoon is nothing…

The afternoon is not only the Middle of the day It is the time to complete Our essential task And go ahead in life Good Afternoon!

If I was a dove I wud daily bring you peace, A sheep I with bring you miracles, An angel I with bring you love, But since I’m only human I can only wish you the best. Good Afternoon!

Yes you… The cute one… holding this phone! Are you asleep? Just wanted to say… Good Afternoon!

On the path of success always lies big O’s, Many read them as Obstacles, Only few read them as Opportunities. Attitude matters a lot. So always be positive.

Learning histories are so easy but making history is so difficult. Make a history of yourself and make others to learn it! Good Afternoon!

Pleasant friendship is like The breathing air… You Will Never See it… But You Will Always Feel its Presence. Gud Afternoon!

Let’s celebrate every moment in our life and live the life of our dreams. Very Good Afternoon!

*Good* *AFTERNOON* ,.*””-.,*,.-“”*., A message from my “HEART” a place where I keep good friends, Like you. What’s up? Miss you so much dear…

Category: Good Afternoon SMS

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