Funny Text Messages

Q: Why was the picture sent to jail?
A: Because it was framed.

Q: Name a profession where the worker earns a living by driving their customers away?
A: Taxi drivers.

Q: What did the first pencil say to the second pencil?
A: You are looking sharp.

Q: Which insect runs away from basically everything?
A: The Flee.

Q: What do you normally call a baby monkey?
A: A “chimp” off the old block.

Q: Who can marry many wives and yet be single?
A: A minster.

Q: What did the big chimney say to the small chimney?
A: That he was too young to smoke.

Q: Which piece of wood lives like a king?
A: The ruler.

Q: Why do firefighters wear red and not blue suspenders?
A: Obviously, to keep their pants up.

Q: What did the muffler tell the car owner?
A: I am exhausted.

Category: Funny SMS

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