10 Funny Text Sms

How can you make a golden soup?
Just add 24 carrots to the soup!

What kind of a star can be risky?
A shooting star!

How do the prisoners communicate with each other?
Through cell phones!

In which bank Dracula like to save money?
In a blood bank!

What type of waves are there in small beaches?

Q: What made the man fix his car horn?
A: Since it did not give a hoot.

Q: What really happened when uncle “Abel” passed away?
A: He just became “Unable”

Q: What do you to do to make notes of stone?
A: Just rearrange the letters.

Q: What can be drawn without a drawing aid?
A: Your breath.

Q: What was the umbrella that Louis XI used to carry in the rain?
A: Obviously, a wet one.

Category: Funny SMS

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