Words Of Encouragement

If the first button of the shirt is wrongly put, all the rest are surely crooked,
Always be careful on ur first step
Rest will itself come correct!!!

Problems are just the distance between exception & reality.Either expect less and accept reality r expect a lot and change it into realty.

As a tree stands straight
against heavy winds and rains,You also stand straight in any unpleasant
situations with brave.

Think of the days of health and pleasure,
Not the days of woe and pain;
Think of the days alive with sunshine,
Not the dismal days of rain.

I cried when I had no shoes. Suddenly I stopped crying when i saw a man without leg.
Life is full of Blessings sometime we don’t understand it.

A sunset here is a Sunrise on the other end of the world
We must NEVER give up.
what appears to be the end may actually be a
New Beginning

For Success…..
Fix Missions
Not any Tom Cruise movie or military episode…
short term goals to achieve….as we know small drops of water can some day make an ocean…


How to boast your confidence level
1.don’t put yourself down
2.don’t apologize for being you
3.Be decisive, don’t say yes or no.
4.don’t say i cant instead say i shall try
5.think about your positive points.

Don’t wait for extraordinary opportunities. Seize common occasions and make them great.
Nothing is right nor wrong. Every thing is in us. Think positive

Only 2 persons In Life Are Very Happy In This World, 1st MAD & 2nd CHILD. . .
Be a Mad To Achieve What You Desire And Be A Child To Enjoy It Without Worries. . .

A successful person has the art of building a house with stones that others have thrown at him

Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure.
-Hope puts a smile on our face when the heart cannot manage.

God gave all of us a life for some special reason.
So Don’t be a prisoner of your past.
Try to become the architect of your future.

Category: Encourage SMS

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