Encourage SMS

Often we stand at lifes crossroads & view,
What we think is the end. But a true frnd tells
“relax dude, itz just a bend & not the end”.

Congrats.. Ur hard work has actually paid off.
And it has brought about a realization that sincerity,
Devotion & faith are the real keys to sucess. Keep it up…

Have the determination of a mirror,
Which never loses its ability to reflect
In spite of it being broken into pieces.
Keep shining…. Always.:-)

Whatever you are by nature, keep to it, never desert your line of talent.
Be what nature intended you for and you for sure will succeed.insha’allah

There are high spots in all of our lives and
Most of them have come about
Through encouragement from someone else.
I don’t care how great,
How famous or successful a man or woman may be,
Each hungers for applause. – george m adams

The lord will change all our defeat into a path for new blessings.
Do not think that failure can push us down.
Instead it will be changed into a ladder of blessings.

Category: Encourage SMS

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