Encourage SMS

Wishing you not just a smile but laughter,
Not just happiness but joy, not just riches
But wealth and most of all, love and peace of mind.

I am a financial planner, not a psychiatrist,
But i do know that your net worth will rise to
Meet your self-worth only if your self-worth rises to
Accept what can be yours.

If you want more, you have to require more from yourself.

Inspiration comes in many forms,
Here you will find a collection of
Inspirational messages containing content About god,
Faith & over all Christian inspiration.

Do not pray for easy lives.
Pray to be stronger men.
Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers,
Pray for powers equal to your task.

Wen u run too fast to get sumwhere…
U miss d fun of getting there …l
Life’s not a race, so take it slower…
N enjoy the music before the song’s over.

Luck is not in your hand.
But work is in your hand.
So sincere effort will never fail.

Every time you don’t follow your inner guidance,
You feel a loss of energy, loss of power,
A sense of spiritual deadness.

Trust and support; mutually rely, lessons learned,
We did apply. Experiences taught, courses on life,
Mistakes were often, common and rife.

Know that it’s your decisions, and not your conditions,
That determine your destiny.

Category: Encourage SMS

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