Diwali Wishing SMS

The Divine Message of Diwali:
“Thamasomaa jyotirgamaya”: lead me from darkness to light. This means that where there is darkness light is needed.
What is this darkness?
Sorrow No Peace Loss Disappointment Misery Lack of enthusiasm Anger, Lust Greed, Hatred & Jealousy Try get rid of these darkness’s we all know how it’s just matter of belief on oneself that we can do it we can get rid of this darkness lets not wait anymore n try burn our darkness with light of Diwali Wishing You All A Very Happy n Prosperous Diwali

Diwali- The Festival Of Light.. Which symbolizes happiness and luck is back with a bang..
So lets celebrate it with loads of enthusiasm and excitement with our near and dear ones..
Here’s wishing you and your family A Very Happy, safe And Prosperous Diwali..!!

On the Festival of ‘DEEP PARV’
Darkness is to depart for ever
Intelligence and wisdom are to rule over
Wealth, health and peace of mind may prevail here
Affections of All mighty GOD is always on us
Let us stick to the values of charity, fraternity and truth
Invoking Goddess of Deepmalika to make humanity prosperous, happy and cheerful

For this, is a special time when family
And friends get together,for fun.
Wishing laughter and fun to cheer your days,
In this festive season of Diwali and always!!!!!!!!
“Happy Deepavali€

Long live the tradition of Hindu culture and as the generations have passed by Hindu culture is getting stronger and stronger lets keep it up.
Best Wishes for Diwali

Memories of moments celebrated together…….
Moments that have been attached in my heart, forever…….
Make me Miss You even more this Diwali.
Hope this Diwali brings in Good Fortune & Abounding Happiness for you!

On Diwali, wishes for every joy and prosperity. Here’s hoping, that the beauty of this festival of lights, bring a world of joy, happiness and contentment to you, to last the whole year through. Happy Diwali.

Fortunate is the one who has learned to Admire, but not to envy.
Good Wishes for a joyous Diwali and a Happy New Year with a plenty of Peace and Prosperity.

Noticed ur phone got heavier with this sms?
That’s because it contains loads of love, affection and
Prayers to keep u happy this Diwali.

May the nose Diving
Stock exchange enable
you to Buy the blue chips.
May the lower commodity
prices lower the price of
your next LCD TV.
May the sky rocketing
Gold help give value
to your Wife’s Jewelery
and most importantly
may the Eroding Wealth
help reiterate that
the only Treasure that
is immune to this
Recession Wits for
You at Home.

For This, Is A Special Time When Family
And Friends Get Together,For Fun.
Wishing Laughter And Fun To Cheer Your Days,
In This Festive Season Of Diwali And Always!!!!!!!!
“Happy Diwali”

As the candlelight flame,
Ur life may always be happiness’ claim;
As the mountain high, U move without sigh;
like the white linen flair, Purity is always an affair;
As sunshine creates morning glory, fragrance fills years as flory;
with the immaculate eternal smile, attached to u mile after mile;
All darkness is far away, As light is on its way;
Wish all of u a very happy Diwali.

Category: Diwali SMS

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