Break Up Sms Collection

Heartbreak is something that I never wanted to give to you. My decision to dump you is going to hurt me too. But I don’t expect you to understand any of this, your concern for our relationship has always been remiss.

You will never be the guy my heart sees, and I will never be the girl you want me to be. Goodbye.

EVERYTHING is the only thing I regret about being with you. Goodbye.

You treated our relationship like a Facebook status update that you could conveniently change every day. I am sorry, but I refuse to be treated this way. Goodbye.

I am breaking up with you because I am sick of being a second priority to the person, who has always been my priority number one.

Our breakup will hurt me a lot, but I’d rather mend a broken heart than suffocate in a toxic relationship. Goodbye.

I walked away because you were busy finding faults in me, while I was busy overlooking yours.

Our breakup will hurt me as much as it hurts you, but it is something that we must do. Our fights and arguments have ripped our love to shreds; there’s no point in trying to revive something that is already dead.

I am the same girl who gave you my heart to love it. Instead, you chose to corrode it with malice, bit by bit. Goodbye.

I never thought that my feelings for you would change, but then again, I never thought that you would change either. Goodbye.

Category: Break Up SMS

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