10 Messages For Break Up

You insulted my commitment with betrayal and married my love with lies. You were indifferent to my pleas and apathetic to my heart’s cries. Since you don’t have a spine, let me say this to you – there is no way out now, breaking up is all that is left to do.

What hurts, isn’t how you make me feel like a loser today, but the memories of how you forced me feel special before.

Our relationship was always about given and take… until you stopped giving but never stopped taking. Goodbye.

A breakup is not something I had on my mind, but I still want it – just like how love was not to yours, but you still pretended to.

The time has come to say goodbye, even though it will make me cry. I never thought that it would come to this, but this is our last kiss.

It’s not that I don’t care about your feelings, but things haven’t remained the same. For the way we have drifted apart, we both are to blame. How much longer all this can go on, I have my doubts. Breaking up and going our separate ways is the only way out.

I never meant to break your heart, but you never bothered to understand mine. Goodbye.

Pretending like you don’t care about your past & acting like you’ve moved on, Hurts!

Sometimes I keep my feelings to myself because it’s hard for someone else to understand them 🙁

Certain people are not meant to fit in your life, no matter how much you want them to be.

Category: Break Up SMS

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