Sms Of Best Friend

Golden words from shakespear- go to help your friend in problem without any invitation and dont go to your friend in happiness without invitation

Good friend is like computer, enter your in ur life, save in your heart, format ur problem,shift u to oppertunities n never delete from memory.

Good friends are like bum cheeks sometimes crap keeps them apart, but they always come back together! Send this to all your favourite bum cheeks..

Good Friends are like software.
They enter ur life;
Scan ur problems;
Edit ur tensions;
Download ur solutions;
Delete ur worries
Save u in their heart!~

Good friends are like stars…. You don’t always see them, but you know they are always there

Good friends care for each other.Close friends understand each other.And true Friends stay forever beyonds words,beyond time.

Good friends r like pair of scissor.
Joint 3gether, often go in opposite direction.
But they give punishment 2 those who come between them.,

Good friends, good books and a sleepy conscience: this is the ideal life.

Great friends are part of memories which time can never erase.when life is blessed with friend like you.your my greatest memory!

Gud relationz doesn’t need any promises, any terms or conditions…….
It just need two wonderful people.
One Cool like me…One Sweet like u…HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY

Category: Best Friend SMS

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