Apologize Text SMS

If it’s a good idea, go ahead and do it. It’s much easier to apologize than it is to get permission.

I hated Chris, my brother. I would pull his hair and kick him, until one day my father gave him permission to fight back. I’ll be apologizing to him for the rest of my life.

Apology is only egotism wrong side out.

It will never do to plead sin as an excuse for sin, or to attempt to justify sinful acts by pleading that we have an evil heart. This instead of being a valid apology, is the very ground of our condemnation.

An apology might help, but you can change your life without one.

Never apologize and never explain – it’s a sign of weakness.

Why must conversions always come so late? Why do people always apologize to corpses?

Every young sculptor seems to think that he must give the world some specimen of indecorous womanhood, and call it Eve, Venus, a Nymph, or any name that may apologize for a lack of decent clothing.

I feel like this is a dream — I apologize for how I dressed some of you.

I’m not a Hollywood basher because enough good movies come out of the Hollywood system every year to justify its existence, without any apologies.

Category: Apologize SMS

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