Advice SMS Text Messages

Life is short, live it with Ur whole heart.
These moment’s are special don’t let it go.
Who knows these moment’s will be there tomorrow or not.

Life is the name of “give” and “take”
* If u want someone to give you attension, so first you give him attension
* If u want someone to give you respect, so first you give him attension
* If u want someone to understand you , so first you try to understand him
If u want to TAKE something first GIVE the same.
Then life will be managed n balanced.

Life means missing expected things..
And facing unexpected things.
When u r right, no one remember but when you are wrong no one forgets!!
Thats life..

Life’s Rules: AssuMe Nothing, Expect Little, Do More, Need Less, SMile Often, DreaM Big, Laugh A Lot, Pray Always, Cry Once In A While And SMS Me Everyday.

Little advice to guys:”Always communicate with your girlfriends as long as your parents are paying the phone bills!”

Little keys can open big locks
Simple words can express great thoughts
A text from you never fails to make me smile the whole day through!

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.

Love is all in fire and yet freezing,
Love is much in winnig, but is more in loosing,
Love is ever sick and yet is never dying,
Love is ever true and yet is ever lying,
Love does doath in liking and is mad in loathing,
Love indeed is everything, yet indeed is nothing.

Love is only chatter. Friends are all that matters.

Love Is So Easy To Feel, So Hard To Explain. Easy To Get, So Hard To Go. Easy To Spell, So Hard To Define. Yet Everyone Is Still Taking The Risk.

Category: Advice SMS

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