43 Anti Smoking Slogans
Are you smoking tobacco, or is it smoking you?
Be cool, don’t be fool
Be smart Don’t start
Before you light the cigar, think about others inhailing air.
Breath healthily, live happily.
Cancer cures smoking.
Cigarettes burn holes in your pocket.
Cigarettes: You take my breath away.
Cool dudes don’t smoke
Don’t let tobacco destroy you, start from destroying tobacco
Don’t smoke there are cooler ways to die
Don’t smoke, it’s not a joke.
Escape from tobacco addiction, starting from now
Everyone has a right to clean air.
I don’t dig your cig.
If you can’t stop smoking, cancer will.
It’s a matter of your life dude, quit now
Kiss me I quit smoking!
Kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray.
Put it out before it puts you out.
Quit now Your life depends on it.
Quit smoking before smoking quits you.
Say no to smoking
Say sorry to cigarettes
Smokers are loosers
Smokia causes impotia
Smoking a transitory pleasure; which invites a risky future
Smoking and coughing live together
Smoking is bad for the health.
Smoking is like paying someone to kill you. …
Smoking Reduces Your Weight.
Smoking Will Be A Crime In Time
Smoking? It’s bullshit
Stay healthy and stop smoking
Stop smoking now
Stop smoking, or you will be croaking.
Tar the roads, not your lungs
There are cooler ways to die than smoking.
Tobacco companies kill their best customers
Tobacco-free families, winner quits smoking
Too much smoke will leave you broke
You can live without it
You’re a fool if you think smoking is cool