39 Drag Racing Slogans
Do your best – beat the rest!
Be fast to be first
Car fuel is my perfume
Car racing is my passion
Do your best – beat the rest!
Don’t be safe, be fast
Don’t love us, we die young
Drag racing, more addictive than heroin
Be fast and win to kiss me
Drive fast or go home
Drive like you stole it!
Drive with courage
Finish fast, i can’t wait too long
First rule of Racing, whats behind you does not count
Hang up and drive
Horsepower sells cars, torque wins races
I believe in accelerator, not in brakes
Its a blast to go this fast
Keep calm and move fast
Life is fast so why drive slow
Live fast – die young
Move fast and win my heart
My life starts from 200 mph
Nothing less than victory
Play like youre in first, train like youre in second
Push the Petal to the medal
Racing is in my heart
Racing is the only real sport… all others are just games
Safe Riding, Hard Racing
Say no to brakes
See you in my rearview
The bs stops when the green flag drops!
What’s behind you doesn’t matter
Why worry about death, it’ll come sooner or later
You got passed by junkyard parts
You have no friends at 200 mph