Full Name
Gursewak Singh Kharoud
Nick Name
Sewak, Sarba, Manni
Royal city Patiala
Facebook Profile
Facebook profile of Sewak Kharoud
Do you enjoy scary movies?
Yes full
When was the last time you said “i love you” ?
5-07-2012 nu
Last time you cried your heart out?
Never, I don’t have a heart
Dream job?
World famous man
Money or Love?
Apna sapna money money
Favorite destination in the world?
Laws house
Most embarrassing moment?
Eda de koi kam ni kite ji
Are you afraid of the dark?
Biggest achievement?
Nhi aje ta koi ni par wait kro
If you are marooned on an island you would like to be with?
My friend
Biggest regret?
Nhi ji koi kam e ni kita eda da
Met the love of your life yet?
No, but soon I will meet
Your biggest fear?
Mera bapu
Favorite movie of all time?
American Pie (all parts)
Do you drive fast?
Yes, my speed 90-110 km
What do you like most about yourself?
My brain
The one thing you would like to change about yourself?
I want to restart my life.
Is anyone in love with you?
Are you in a complicated love situation?
If you had a super power, what would it be?
Main sari duniyea nu love krna sikha du
If you are asked to work in a movie, which star would you co-star with?
Sunny Leone
Last book you read?
Indian law books
How much time do you spend online daily?
15-16 hrs
att hai bro
Liked picture of SAD GIRL. Is it free to use as a Book Cover. Might only use part of it, I’m searching for a pair of Gothic Crying Eyes (make-up running) Thanks if you do get back to me.
i know g tusi kithe to ho and kissnu like karde c so sad mainu sab pta g thode barre
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