Full Name
Sam Bansal
Nick Name
Little sam (sam bagha)
Bagha Purana (Moga)
A word that describes you best?
Do you enjoy scary movies?
Not Interested
When was the last time you said “i love you” ?
In College
Last time you cried your heart out?
Don’t remember
Dream job?
Business man
Most embarrassing moment?
Whenever my exams come
Are you afraid of the dark?
Biggest achievement?
Getting True Love
Biggest regret?
When I lose one change to go to Australia
Met the love of your life yet?
Your biggest fear?
My GF’s eyes
Do you drive fast?
Sometimes, when I’m in hurry
What do you like most about yourself?
I am very obedient boy and any one can believe in me.
The one thing you would like to change about yourself?
My Unpunctuality
Is anyone in love with you?
My family and someone special
Are you in a complicated love situation?
If you are asked to work in a movie, which star would you co-star with?
Kareena Kapoor
Last book you read?
How to recognize true love
If you are marooned on an island you would like to be with?
My wife
Things that annoy you?
Phone calls
Money or Love?
What do you want more than anything right now?
I want to be king of comments on the internet
Favorite movie of all time?
Dil Wale Dulhaniyan Le jayenge
If someone tells me “I love you..”, I am likely to…
Say I love you too
If someone tells me “I hate you…”, I am likely to…
Change that hatred into love
If I meet GOD I would…
Get love of world
How much time do you spend online daily?
Around 4 hours
Favorite destination in the world?
22 g ssa ke hall hai g nic pic 22 main bagta bhi ka da ha apa dove nere de he ha main france rehda ha jado nere da banda dekea ta badi khusi hoi ok 22 best of luck bye bye
22 g meri mail mani_dhir @yahoo.co.in
very very thanks brother
ssa 22 g bht nive pics aa teriyan koi jawab hi ni keep it up……..bye
very very thanks brother sab tuhadi kirpa hi hai
hi,sam.tuhadi pic baut wadiyan na.keep it up………..bbye tc
THANKS Pawanpreet g ehna pic wich mera kuj v nahi sab kuj tuhada pyar hi hai jo pic… tusi pasand karde ho ….
ssa sam,sachi jo dil da saaf hova ohi es tarha di gallan karda hai,,thx sam jo tusi manu kaha uthda vasta.bye tc
once again thanks pawanpreet g
[email protected]