Search Results » "quotes"


Category: Quotes Graphics

I use to be so strong

Category: Quotes Graphics
I use to be so strong

I’m not perfect anymore

Category: Quotes Graphics
I’m not perfect anymore

I love this beautiful life

Category: Quotes Graphics
I love this beautiful life

Keep Smiling

Category: Quotes Graphics
Keep Smiling

Find out who you are

Category: Quotes Graphics
Find out who you are

Don’t tell anyone my dirty little secret

Category: Quotes Graphics
Don’t tell anyone my dirty little secret

I’ll never let you go

Category: Quotes Graphics
I’ll never let you go

Could you look Me in the eye

Category: Quotes Graphics
Could you look Me in the eye

It’s Beautiful.

Category: Quotes Graphics
It’s Beautiful.

Evert thing happens for a reason

Category: Quotes Graphics
Evert thing happens for a reason

You’re truely something special

Category: Quotes Graphics
You’re truely something special

Dream as if you’ll live forever

Category: Quotes Graphics
Dream as if you’ll live forever

No matter

Category: Quotes Graphics
No matter

I LOVE YOU – Those 3 words mean so much

Category: Quotes Graphics
I LOVE YOU – Those 3 words mean so much

I was so wrong

Category: Quotes Graphics
I was so wrong

I’m comletely, HAPPY.

Category: Quotes Graphics
I’m comletely, HAPPY.

Laugh & Cry

Category: Quotes Graphics
Laugh & Cry

He’s her Drug

Category: Quotes Graphics
He’s her Drug

Well-behaved women rarely make history

Category: Quotes Graphics
Well-behaved women rarely make history

Before you judge me take a look at you

Category: Quotes Graphics
Before you judge me take a look at you

Nights like this

Category: Quotes Graphics
Nights like this

When you smile look at me

Category: Quotes Graphics
When you smile look at me

I feel Sorry for people who don’t drink.

Category: Alcohol, Funny Quotes
I feel Sorry for people who don’t drink.

The best things in life are free

Category: Quotes Graphics
The best things in life are free

Party like a Rockstar

Category: Quotes Graphics
Party like a Rockstar

I will always be here for you

Category: Quotes Graphics
I will always be here for you

Thank You for making me worthless in your eyes

Category: Quotes Graphics
Thank You for making me worthless in your eyes

Over & over i cried

Category: Quotes Graphics
Over & over i cried

Silly hearts on the paper

Category: Quotes Graphics
Silly hearts on the paper