Full Name
Gurjinder singh
Nick Name
Gippy Bal
Facebook Profile
Facebook profile of Gippy Bal
Do you enjoy scary movies?
Yes, I do.
When was the last time you said “I love you” ?
Hahahhahah aa time ta kade ayea ni
Last time you cried your heart out?
Jad mera koi khas meri duniya to door hoea c
Dream job?
Supnea da kade end ni hunda..bas ik pehchan ban jave ohi bhut aa
Met the love of your life yet?
Your biggest fear?
Do you drive fast?
What do you like most about yourself?
Ahhi k main kade jldi Gussa ni krda 😛
Is anyone in love with you?
Are you in a complicated love situation?
Last book you read?
Dilan de dard
Money or Love?
If someone tells me “I hate you…”, I am likely to………..
How much time do you spend online daily?…..
8 hours
Nice photo veer
Bhut vadia Bal saab……..
Thnkuu preet padda jii
pic bahut kaim aa 22
looking rocking baby….superb!! 🙂
Bhutt vadiaa bhajiii
THNKUU RAnja veer ji
thnkuu khushwinder bro
thnkuu Preet Motto ji
Thnku Koka nd Rukman ji
wlcm ji
AwEsOm pIc.
hi gippy ji I like ur pics can u give me ur email id I can send u more
I am live in usa
Yeah anjali sure…..My email id [email protected] .u also add me on facebook….sO SECRH Gippybal92
thnku Anand veer